Elina Patrou Academy of Dance
August 2021
Congratulations to all students for passing their exams this term. We were delighted to receive so many Distinctions, especially with so much of the training having taken place online this past year. We are very proud of all of you!
Well done to all students competing on stage for the very first time this term. Big congratulations to Ana for winning 3rd place for her ballet solo at Ruislip-Northwood festival!
February 2021
While we have been online now for the majority of the academic year, our students have been more motivated than ever and their commitment is paying off!
EXAMS - All our students did exceptionally well in their RAD exams with many being awarded a Distinction and gold medal.
CHRISTMAS COMPETITION - Congratulations to Akunne for winning the Nutcracker competition via video entry this year!
WORKSHOPS - We ran workshops for all our students and were thrilled to see so many attend and work so hard on Miss Olivia's choreographies.
AUDITIONS - Two of our students, have submitted beautiful ballet videos for their Royal Ballet audition and we are wishing them the very best on this new opportunity.
FESTIVAL COMPETITIONS - While theatres around the country are closed, our students have been submitting their festival competitions via video and receiving excellent results overall. Big congratulations to Alesia for winning 3rd place for her Ballet solo and 2nd place for her Character solo at Hounslow festival.

September 2020
After a successful term of online ballet and our online summer school, we are excited to be returning to our lovely studios on the 10th September.
Here is what class looks like at EPAD, super spaced out and ready for an exciting and safe new term!
I would like to congratulate the winners of our 2020 EPAD Photo Competition for sending in such beautiful and imaginative photos! Selecting these was such a hard choice! See below!
Big congratulations to Botshelo Nkolobe too, for being accepted at St Mary's University in Twickenham to study Sports and Exercise Science!
1st Place - Kaylie, Anouska and Charlene
2nd Place - Tiara
3rd Place - Maria
March 2020
Dear Parents and Students,
Due to COVID-19 we will be live-streaming all our classes until the government announces it is safe to return to our regular activities. Professional ballet schools the world over have been successfully continuing their classes online through a platform called Zoom. Zoom is free of charge to you and allows teachers and students to see each other clearly in real time. We will be able to provide feedback to students as a group and individually and we will continue to work on both syllabus and non syllabus classes.
I look forward to seeing you all online for Term 3!
Miss Elina
26th January 2020
This weekend, EPAD students excelled at Welwyn Festival once again! I am so proud of you all!
Congratulations to Ana Larsen and Alesia Olariu for winning 1st place for their ballet duet.
Congratulations to Sanaya Wable for winning 2nd place for her ballet solo in her very first festival. What a great achievement!
Congratulations to Tiara Maqedonci for winning 3rd place for her ballet solo and Alesia Olariu for winning 3rd place for her character solo.
19th January 2020
We've had a great start to 2020 at EPAD with some fantastic achievements from some of our students!
Congratulations to Tiara Maqedonci for winning 3rd place for her character solo and Alesia Olariu for winning 2nd place for her ballet solo at Welwyn Dance festival.
Congratulations to all students for passing their Royal Academy of Dance exams in the Winter term. 100% success, well done!
Congratulations to Botshelo Nkolobe for being offered a place on the BA Hons degree at London Studio Centre!
October 2019
Congratulations to Daniel Sinnarasa for being invited to dance with the Royal Academy of Dance on World Ballet Day Live. How exciting!
Congratulations to Alesia Olariu for winning 2nd place at Hounslow festival! Well done!
Congratulations to Tiara Maqedonci for winning 3rd place performing her Ballet Solo at Hounslow Festival.
We are very proud of you!
Zac Leigh has been awarded a further year at the Royal Ballet School's Mid Associates
Rachel Haberfeld has been awarded a 100% Scholarship to the Urdang Academy on their level 6 Diploma in Musical Theatre. She was also accepted into Performance Preparation Academy, Reproofs, Bodes, Read College, Emil Dale and Momentum Performing Arts Academy
Botshelo Nkolobe successfully auditioned for a short dance film inspired by Cinderella, dancing with cast members of English National Ballet
Natania Alcock has been accepted into Birds College to take a BA in Professional Dance & Musical Theatre where she starts in September. She was also offered Laban's Foundation Musical Theatre Course and a Musical Theatre BA at Wolverhampton University
Sasha Leigh has been accepted into Laban BA (Hons) Contemporary Dance as well as London Studio Centre BA (Hons) in Theatre Dance where she starts in September
Elizabeth Sinnarasa was accepted into Central School of Ballet Associates
Tiara Magedonci was invited to perform at the RAD King's Cross Pop-Up event
Naya Bhatt has been accepted into London Senior Ballet and was awarded a place on the Royal Ballet School Intensive Course wait list
Former student Olivia van Niekerk toured with Ballet Pecs in a varied repertoire including the Nutcracker, Romeo & Juliet and Carmen to Budapest, Pecs Hungary, St. Petersburg, Ufa Russia and Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina. She is also on of two dancers in an upcoming short BBC film
Botshelo Nkolobe was accepted into One Youth Dance
Former student Betsy Smith has been awarded a place on the ENB Summer School and the Royal Ballet Spring Intensive Course - she continues to study at full time vocational YDA
Nicole Chan-Fook was awarded the Musicality Prize at the Royal Academy of Dance Awards Day
Charlene Tai was invited to perform in London Senior Ballet's Graduation Performance
Elizabeth Sinnarasa was accepted on the CAT scheme at The Place
EPAD students have been invited to participate in classes for the Summer Teachers' Training Course

Ruislip Medalists
Alesia Olariu - 1st in ballet
Sienna Barret
Ealing Medalists
Alesia Olariu - 1st in ballet & Junior Ballet Cup
Elizabeth Sinnarasa - ballet & character
Slough Medalists
Alessia Olariu
Hounslow Medalists
Kaylie Etwaroo
Elizabeth Sinnarasa
Nicole Chan-Fook
Evelyn Chan-Fook
Welwyn Medalists
Daniel Sinnarasa - Most Promising Boy - 2018 Cup
Tiara Maqedonci 2019
Royal Tunbridge Wells Medalists
Lakesha Parmathi
Elizabeth Sinnarasa
Watford Festival Medalists
Lakesha Parmathi